Our lifeguard teams are highly trained. We ensure that skills are maintained through monthly professional development sessions in addition to industry standard annual training. Our moto is 'Don't train until you get it right, train until you can't get it wrong'. In line with the Royal Life Saving Australia's Keep Watch at Public Pools program, PRG encourages active supervision of children by their parents/ caregivers at all times in any aquatic environment. Our friendly and approachable lifeguard teams are able to assist with education, should you have any questions regarding supervision standards. Aquatic safety is everyone's responsibility!
Providing exceptionally safe, clean, hygienic and comfortable aquatic facilities for the community is paramount. Our qualified and exceptionally well trained team members are results driven and take pride in what they do. We aim to ensure our facilities are always in pristine condition for the enjoyment of the community.
PRG understands that we are custodians of the facilities we operate. The facilities themselves belong to local governments and are important community assets. We provide local jobs, for local people, who are steadfast in providing the best possible service to their local community. Have a request or a suggestion for your local facility? We want to hear from you. Contact our team today!